구름위를 걷다 [602937] · MS 2015 · 쪽지

2016-01-09 16:24:33
조회수 271

(색시한 기출) 수능독해 어떻게 할 것인가? (3)

게시글 주소: https://image.orbi.kr/0007489259

다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

We often think of persuasion as something that a speaker does to an audience. In fact, persuasion is something that a speaker does with an audience. Listeners do not just listen passively, nor do they soak in everything the speaker says. ___(A)___, while they listen, they assess the speaker's credibility, delivery, supporting materials, language, reasoning, and emotional appeals. This mental give-and-take is especially vigorous when listeners are highly involved with the topic and believe it has a direct effect on their lives. ___(B)___, you must think of your persuasive speech as a kind of mental dialogue with your audience.

          (A)                                  (B)

Instead                        Therefore

Furthermore               Otherwise

Furthermore               Besides

Instead                         However

Furthermore               Consequently


appeal 호소

assess 평가하다

be essential for 에 필요하다

be involved in -에 관련되다

credibility 신뢰성

delivery 전달 태도, 배달

material 논거, 자료

mental 정신적인

passively 수동적으로

persuasion 설득

persuasive 설득적인

reasoning 논증, 추론, 논리적 조리

soak (지식 등을) 흡수하다, 빨아들이다

soak in 흡수하다

supporting 떠받치는, 지지하는

vigorous 활발한




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