영어 수능모의고사 샘풀문제.
[빈칸] 3점.
The conventional wisdom often adapts to the consistent idea that to approval inner silence or conquer the pretty obscure mindset out of outer space could be realistic because of physical comfortableness. The pay to the freedom requires the hardly searched image, however, that in many places, the deficit of natural working needs is charging others’ service and trying through exact acceptation and these physical difficulties are justified in the way of all things. Industrial revolution in England shows either each side of pros and cons, for instance, and this advantage is explained to have succeeded whole, especially for the country and civils. Yet, modern society is evenly looking forward to spending material or passing time on a soft bed, others wanting that this working should be finished. Therefore, not only does easy mind give inner sense but also [ 빈칸 ].
* pros and cons : 장점과 단점
1. the loss of working is seldom actually activated for working itself.
2. Working for inner peace comes from never easy work.
3. Physical innocence in their body should fairly be respected.
4. The disadvantage of materialism should be refined for whole.
5. Space for outworld needs to have inner emotion first.
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