오리톢 [902596] · MS 2019 (수정됨) · 쪽지

2024-07-06 15:25:16
조회수 59


게시글 주소: https://image.orbi.kr/00068642663

Equivalent formulation of the Geometric convergence

Group theoretic formulation (Hausdorff/Chabauty topology)

1. The geometric topology on Kleinian groups we mean giving the discrete subgroup of $\mathrm{{PSL}_2\Bbb C$ the Hausdorff topology as closed subsets. 

- The sequence of closed subsets $\{Y_i\}$ tends to a closed subset $Z$ in Hausdorff topology of the collection of closed subsets means (1) For every $z\in Z$, there are $y_i\in Y_i$ such that $\lim_{i\to\infty} y_i = z$. (2) For every subsequence $Y_{i_j}$, and elements $y_{i_j}\in Y_{i_j}$, if $y_{i_j}\to z$ then $z\in Z$.

In other words, $\{\Gamma_i\}\to\Gamma$ geometrically if every element $\gamma\in\Gamma$ is the limit of a sequence $\{\gamma_i\in\Gamma_i\}$ and if every accumulation point of every sequence $\{\gamma_i\in\Gamma_i\}$ lies in $\Gamma$.

Rmk. It's known that the set of closed subsets is compact with Hausdorff topology. In particular, passing to a subsequence, one may always assume that a sequence of nonelementary Kleinian groups converges geometrically.

2. Equipping a hyperbolic 3-manifold $M$ with a unit orthonormal frame $\omega$ at a base point $p$ (called a base-frame), $M$ uniquely determines a corresponding Kleinian group without up to conjugacy condition by requiring that the covering projection

$$\pi:(\Bbb H^3,\tilde{\omega})\to(\Bbb H^3,\tilde{\omega})/\Gamma = (M,\omega)$$

sends the standard frame $\tilde{\omega}$ at the origin in $\Bbb H^3$ to $\omega$.

The framed hyperbolic 3-manifolds $(M_n,\omega_n) = (\Bbb H^3,\tilde{omega})/\Gamma_n$ converge geometrically to a geometric limit $(N,\omega) = (\Bbb H^3,\tilde{\omega})/\Gamma_G4 if $\Gamma_n$ converges to $\Gamma_G$ in the geometric topology stated in 1, i.e,

-For each $\gamma\in\Gamma_G$ there are $\gamma_n\in\Gamma_n$ with $\gamma_n\to\gamma$.

-If elements $\gamma_{n_k}$ in a subsequence $\Gamma_{n_k}$ converges to $\gamma$, then $\gamma$ lies in $\Gamma_G$.

(intrinsic) Manifold formulation

3. $(M_n,\gamma_n)$ converges to $(N,\gamma)$ geometrically if for each smoothly embedded compact submanifold $K\subset N$ containing $\omega$, there are diffeomrophism (or quasi-isometries or biLipschitz) $\phi_n:K\to (M_n,\omega_n)$ so that $\phi_n(\omega) = \omega_n$ and so that $\phi_n$ converges to an isometry on $K$ in the $C^\infty$-topology.

4. A sequence of Kleinain groups $\Gamma_i$ converges geometrically to the Kleinain groups $\Gamma_G$ if there exists a sequence $\{r_i,k_i\}$ and a sequence of maps $\tilde{h}_i:B_{r_i}(0)\subset\Bbb H^3\to\Bbb H^3$ such that the following holds:

(1) $r_i\to\infty$ and $k_i\to 1$ as $i\to\infty$;

(2) the map $\tilde{h}_i$ is a $k_i$-bi-Lipschitz diffeomorphism onto its image, $\tilde{h}_i(0) = 0$, and for every compact set $A\subset\Bbb H^3$, $\tilde{h}_i|_A$ is defined for large $i$ and converges to the identity in the $C^\infty$-topology; and

(3) $\tilde{h}_i$ descends to a map $h_i:Z_i = B_{r_i}(p_G)\to M_i = \Bbb H^3/\Gamma_i$ is a topological submanifold of $M_G$; moreover, $h_i$ is also a $k_i$-bi-Lipschitz diffeomorphism onto its image. Here, $p_G = \pi_G(0)$ where $\pi_G:\Bbb H^3\to M_G$.


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