물리짱 [1261406] · MS 2023 · 쪽지

2024-05-10 03:42:15
조회수 2,109

영어 제목찾기 문제 풀어주세요

게시글 주소: https://image.orbi.kr/00068038530

24. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
A number of problems relevant to low concern about safety and paying little attention to it have been perceived through realizing the causes of many bad situations stemming from behaviors which people execute who do not feel importance in terms of the majority’s wellbeing and
regard the deeds they do as irrelevant to endangering others (maybe… them, too) even though later they may be accused by whoever would clearly grasp the whole story. The awful vessel tragedy that pounded South Korea in 2014 (known as Sewol ferry accident) can be an example
of foundations that people think how serious the lack of safety can be, and dwell on what safety really means. As a result of this accident, many innocent Danwon high school sophomores (and also other tourists to Jeju Island) can’t go back to their homes forever. While there are many analyses of this incident, one of the most plausible explanations is cars and freight unfixed. The mobility of objects could influence the resilience of the ship, and thus it might start to tilt at that time. Having come to see the reasons why the ferry sank into the ocean, although being
shocked, people not only were outraged at the many incompetent individuals, but also realized how dangerous neglecting safety can be and keeping marine norms is very important for them.
*plausible:그럴듯한, 가능성 있는
*resilience: (배의)복원력
1. A specific situation where ignoring safety is hazardous to everyone
2. Importance of keeping in mind several places where big accidents frequently happen
3. Learning from a catastrophe: a way to help people realize the importance of safety
4. Lack of safety consciousness can be overcome by studying the causes of accidents
5. Preparing in advance: always pay attention to marine and vessel safety rules

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