파티피플 공명 [834542] · MS 2018 · 쪽지

2024-02-11 14:27:52
조회수 1,579

개인적인 복습 지문 pick (231134)

게시글 주소: https://image.orbi.kr/00067186656

 We understand that the segregation of our

consciousness into present, past, and future is both

a fiction and an oddly self-referential framework;

your present was part of your mother’s future, and

your children’s past will be in part your present.

Nothing is generally wrong with structuring our

consciousness of time in this conventional manner,

and it often works well enough. In the case of

climate change, howeverthe sharp division of time

into past, present, and future has been desperately

misleading and has, most importantly, hidden from

view the extent of the responsibility of those of us

alive now. The narrowing of our consciousness of

time smooths the way to divorcing ourselves from

responsibility for developments in the past and

the future with which our lives are in fact deeply

intertwined. In the climate case, it is not that we

face the facts but then deny our responsibility. It

is that the realities are obscured from view by the

partitioning of time, and so questions of

responsibility toward the past and future do not

arise naturally. [3점]   * segregation: 분리

** intertwine: 뒤얽히게 하다

*** obscure: 흐릿하게 하다

출처: 2023학년도 수능 영어 34번 문항

rare-아르세우스 rare-이더리움 rare-DESCENTE rare-비트코인

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