행복해야되 [346300] · MS 2010 · 쪽지

2012-03-13 16:58:46
조회수 615

경제 질문인데요ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 경제잘하시는분들의 도움이 절실합니다..

게시글 주소: https://image.orbi.kr/0002831084

1. the utility that Ann receives by consuming food F and clothing, C is given by U(F,C) = F*C+F
a) Define the utility function's domain and range.
b) Draw the indifference curve associated with a utility level of 36, and another indifference curve associated with a utility level of 72.

2. A paper company dumps nondegradable waste into a river that flows by the firm's plant. The firm estimates its production function to be:
       Q =  f(K,W) = 5KW
  where : Q = annual paper production measured in pounds
              K = machine hours (capital)per year
              W = gallons of polluted water dumped into the river per year
a)Find the values of f(3,2),f(2,3) and plot the points in a K-W plane.
b)Draw the isoquant of this production function when Q = 100

3.At $0.60 per bushel, the daily supply for wheat is 450 bushels, and the daily demand is570 bushels.
When the price is raised to $0.75 per bushel, the daily supply increases to 600 bushels, and the daily demand decreases to 495 bushels. Assume that the supply and demand equations are linear
a) Find the supply and demand functions.
b) Find the equilbrium price and quantity.
c) Graph the two equations in the same cooridinate system and identify the equilibrium point, supply curve, and demand curve.

4. Suppos that the government imposes a sales tax of t dollars(t달러) per unit on product 1. The partial market model becomes
                q1^d = D(P1 + t), q1^s = S(p1), q1^d = q1^s
a) Identify the endogenous varibles and exogenous varibles
b) Let D(p) = 120 - p and S(p) = 2p. Calculate p1and q1 both as function of t

이건데ㅠㅠㅠ 너무 어렵네요ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
거기다 해석도 안되서....

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